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Victoria Road
Auckland, Auckland, 0624
New Zealand

Devonport Heritage 2017, an incorporated society formed in 2017, promotes heritage and sustainable development in Devonport.

Heritage Rules

Auckland unitary plan - operative in part

Devonport and Stanley Bay are designated as part of the Special Character Areas Overlay to be areas of residential and business significance having collective and cohesive values, importance, relevance and interest to the communities within the locality and the wider Auckland region.

The details of this Special Character Areas Overlay are to be found in section D18 of the Auckland Unitary Plan - Operative in Part (Download pdf)

The Special Character Areas Overlays apply to both Residential and Business areas.


The Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Business seeks to retain and manage the character of traditional town centres and residential neighbourhoods by enhancing existing traditional buildings, retaining intact groups of character buildings, and designing compatible new building infill and additions that do not replicate older styles and construction methods, but reinforce the predominant streetscape character. When attempting to design something compatible, reference should be made to the relevant character statement for that particular area, as well as the general information contained in this introduction.

The special character of Auckland’s residential and business special character areas results from a combination of elements including the urban structure, buildings and their relationship to one another, the street and open spaces. A collective coherence is often evident based on a mix in the age and styles of buildings in a particular area.

The attributes that contribute to the character of each area include:

Historical context

Physical and visual qualities

Built form

  • Period of development
  • Scale of development
  • Form and relationship to the street
  • Density/Pattern of development
  • Building types
  • Visual coherence

Architectural values

  • Styles
  • Materials and construction

Urban structure

  • Subdivision
  • Road pattern
  • Streetscape
  • Vegetation and landscape characteristics

The plan sets out the following objectives (D18.2)

1. The special character values of the area, as identified in the special character area statement are maintained and enhanced.

2. The physical attributes that define, contribute to, or support the special character of the area are retained, including:

(a) built form, design and architectural values of buildings and their contexts;

(b) streetscape qualities and cohesiveness, including historical form of subdivision and patterns of streets and roads; and

(c) the relationship of built form to landscape qualities and/or natural features including topography, vegetation, trees, and open spaces.

3. The adverse effects of subdivision, use and development on the identified special character values of the area are avoided, remedied or mitigated.



1. Require all development and redevelopment to have regard and respond positively to the identified special character values and context of the area as identified in the special character area statement.

2. Maintain and enhance the built form, design and architectural values of the buildings and the area, as identified in the special character area statement, so that new buildings, alterations and additions to existing buildings, infrastructure and subdivision (where applicable):

(a) maintain the continuity or coherence of the identified special character values of the area;

(b) maintain the streetscape qualities and cohesiveness;

(c) respond positively to the design, scale, height, setback and massing of existing development, any distinctive pattern of subdivision, intensity of development, its relationship to the street, streetscape cohesiveness and is of a compatible form which contributes to the identified special character values of the area;

(d) maintain the relationship of built form to open space and landscape context;

(e) maintain the setting of the special character area, where these features, such as mature trees and landform, contribute to the special character values of the area;

(f) enable the removal of additions and features that detract from the special character of the building or identified special character of the wider area;

(g) minimise the loss of built fabric and encourage maintenance and repair;

(h) require new materials to be compatible with the age, detailing, finishes and colour; and

(i) recover or reveal special character values of buildings and features.

(3) Discourage the removal or substantial demolition of buildings that contribute to the continuity or coherence of the special character area as identified in the special character area statement.

(4) Require any application for demolition or removal of a building in a special character area to, on its own or cumulatively as a result of other removals or demolition, demonstrate that the loss of the building:

(a) would not erode the identified special character values of the area; and

(b) would not disrupt the cohesiveness of the streetscape and wider special character area, including links with scheduled historic heritage places.

(5) Encourage the on-going use and maintenance of buildings in special character areas.

(6) Manage the design and location of car parking, garaging and accessory buildings to maintain and enhance the streetscape and special character values of the area, as identified in the special character statement.

(7) Encourage the retention of special features such as boundary walls, fences, paths and plantings that contribute to the character of the area.